Our performance is regularly analysed to ensure we achieve our strategic objectives.

Children smiling and laughing at summer event

Annual Report 2023/24

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Hightown resident and her son in facepaint and posing with a selfie frame at a summer resident involvement event

Annual Report for Residents 2022/23

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A large group of people stood in front of a road name, which is 'Jones Close'.

Social Impact Report 2022/23

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Tenant Satisfaction Measures 2023

In April 2023, the Regulator of Social Housing introduced the new Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs). These are a standard set of performance information and questions that all housing providers must ask their tenants each year. Following the introduction of the TSMs, we will be reporting against these new measures, this means that some of the figures are calculated differently and may not be comparable to previous years.

  • Taking everything into account, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service provided by Hightown?

    Rented: 66.2% Shared ownership: 36.1%

  • How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the overall repairs service from Hightown over the last 12 months?

    Rented: 73.6%

  • How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the time taken to complete your most recent repair after you reported it?

    Rented: 68.9%

  • How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Hightown provides a home that is well maintained?

    Rented: 64.4%

  • Thinking about the condition of the property or building you live in, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Hightown provides a home that is safe?

    Rented: 68.1% Shared ownership: 53%

  • How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Hightown listens to your views and acts upon them?

    Rented: 52.9% Shared ownership: 23.2%

  • How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Hightown keeps you informed about things that matter to you?’

    Rented: 57.7% Shared ownership: 33.6%

  • To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following “Hightown treats me fairly and with respect”?

    Rented: 66% Shared ownership: 38.6%

  • How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with Hightown’s approach to complaints handling?

    Rented: 26.2% Shared ownership: 14.5%

  • How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Hightown keeps these communal areas clean and well maintained?

    Rented: 56% Shared ownership: 30.1%

  • How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Hightown makes a positive contribution to your neighbourhood?

    Rented: 51.1% Shared ownership: 22.3%

  • How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with Hightown’s approach to handling anti-social behaviour?

    Rented: 50.4% Shared ownership: 23.5%

TSM Survey 2023 Summary Of Approach LCRA

PDF | 159Kb

TSM Survey 2023 Summary Of Approach LCHO

PDF | 414Kb

Hightown resident and her two children playing in communal area outside

Hightown Strategy (2024-27)

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