The Panel are particularly keen to hear from residents below the age of 40, as this age group is currently under-represented. Panel members are appointed after an interview process.

In this role you will:

  • consider residents’ bids for improvements to estates

  • comment on key policies, strategies and documents

  • provide feedback on resident priorities

  • scrutinise performance information on services of interest to residents

  • annually select an area for service review

  • assess resident involvement and community development activity after receiving reports and updates

  • Influence Hightown’s local arrangements


How does the RVSP work?

Membership of the Panel consists of 15-18 residents, who meet quarterly in the evening at Hightown House or online with senior management to discuss matters of strategic importance, as well as developing local arrangements for the Regulator’s standards.

Our Panel members are not paid, but we will reimburse reasonable travel and childcare expenses. It’s a great way to meet new people, learn valuable new skills and be a vital part of something big – building a better, brighter future for everyone.

The RVSP chair commented:  

"I was recruited to the RVSP at an estate event a few years ago. It’s a good way to engage with other residents and Hightown. The work we do for the RVSP is beneficial to all residents of Hightown as we scrutinise Hightowns service areas and make sure the resident voice is reflected in policies and service delivery and Hightown understand the resident perspective."

Other RVSP member commented:

"Being part of the RVSP has given me a better understanding of Hightown’s roles and responsibilities, their structure and challenges within the sector. I have a feeling of being valued and heard, resulting in real time changes being made based on suggestions and comments from the panel."

I feel like I'm contributing to the local and wider Hightown community. It gives me a sense of belonging, and pride in the association, which translates to a sense of pride and a level of responsibility within my home and my immediate community. It also helps to build relationships with staff which improve communications.  


To find out more email

Meet Sammie, an RVSP member

Hightown resident and young son outside their home

My home

Everything you need to know about repairing and maintaining your home, paying your rent, service charges, and your tenancy agreement or lease.
A member of staff is stood outside taking notes whilst talking to a resident

Resident Complaints Scrutiny Group Panel

Every quarter Hightown Managers and our Resident Complaints Scrutiny Group Panel meet to review the complaints we have resolved and suggest any measures to prevent similar complaints in the future.
Property services inspector and a resident walking around the estate

Estate Champions

Estate Champions act as a representative for the residents on their estate, by raising any concerns about communal areas with the Estates Quality Inspector.