Every quarter, Hightown Managers and our Complaints Scrutiny Group Panel meet to review the complaints we have received and suggest any measures to prevent similar complaints in the future as well as identify and scrutinise any patterns or trends.
Here are some of the actions we have taken:
- We will communicate full information and advice to tenants in response to service queries, including offering any further actions to support them in their individual circumstances such as signposting or referrals to specialist support agencies.
- We will implement a meticulous review of the tasks and actions outstanding when staff are due to leave post.
- Our staff have been provided additional training on Hightown's complaint handling policy and procedures.
- We have increased the monitoring of monthly repairs reports and how often we contact developers to ensure residents are updated appropriately.
We want you to feel valued, listened to, and be confident that we’re acting on your views. Have your say by joining the Complaints Scrutiny Group Panel.
To find out more email involve@hightownha.org.uk