When purchasing your new Hightown home you will probably need to apply for a mortgage for your part of the purchase. The value of this mortgage will depend entirely on the property you are purchasing, the share you are purchasing and how much deposit you have available. Using companies with experience in Shared Ownership can help.
To ensure that you will be able to afford your new home, we will require you to be qualified by one of our panel of Independent Financial Advisers (IFA) before viewing the available properties. You are free to use your own IFA to help find a mortgage that is right for you, if you wish.
De Havilland Group Ltd
2 Skylines Village
E14 9TS
Tel: 020 7517 0700
Email: markh@dehav.com
Website: www.dehav.com
Mortgage Light
1 Whittle Court
Milton Keynes
Tel: 01908 597 655
Website: www.mortgagelight.co.uk
Please note: Staff at Hightown are not qualified or regulated to provide mortgage advice.
Please contact an Independent Financial Adviser or your bank for financial advice.
Your home is at risk if you do not keep up rent and mortgage payments on other loans secured on it. The value of properties can go down as well as up.