Finding the right support for alcohol addiction
It's important to understand the effects that alcohol has on your mental and physical health. Here you'll find a list of organisations who can offer advice and support.

Finding the right support for problems with drug use
If you're concerned over your own, or someone else's drug use, then there's many organisations who can offer information and support.
Find local support
Path 2 Recovery (P2R) Central Bedfordshire: Drug and alcohol advice, treatment and support to adults whose lives are affected, including family members.
Call: 01582 501780
ResoLUTiONs Luton: Confidential and free, advice and information on drugs and alcohol.
Visit their website or call:0800 054 6603
Stepping Stones: Free services to women living in Luton who have suffered abuse, are vulnerable due to substance misuse, offending, or mental health; or who have involvement with Children’s Social Care. Outreach service for Central Bedfordshire.
Visit their website or call: 01582 457114
Walk to Freedom: Workshops, training and support for drug/alcohol dependency, and adolescent anti-social behaviour. Based in Luton.
Visit their website or call: 01582 318499
One Recovery Bucks: Free and confidential advice and information to support over 18s to reduce harm caused by alcohol and drugs misuse, including supporting families.
Visit their website or call: 0300 772 9672
Spectrum – Hertfordshire Drug & Alcohol Services: Services to help people make and sustain the changes they need to reduce or stop their drug and alcohol use. Can assist with referrals into community detox and rehab.
Visit their website or call: 0800 652 3169
Spectrum family and young people's service - Hertfordshire: You can contact us from 09:00 - 17:00 on Monday and Saturday, and 09:00 -19:00 Tuesday to Friday by calling: 0800 652 3169 or emailing Herts@cgl.org.uk.
Oxygen Routes Hertfordshire: For those aged 18+ living in Hertfordshire in temporary/hostel accommodation, struggling with alcohol and other drugs and at risk of becoming homeless.
Referral through housing provider: https://www.druglink.co.uk/routes
Resolve: Crisis support for those with drug or alcohol issues and their families and carers. Also offering key working and therapies. Call: 01707 690739 (Welwyn Garden City), 01707 268221 (Hatfield Outreach & Support Service) or 01462 338274 (Hitchin Outreach & Support Service)
Turning Point’s Hertfordshire Complex Needs Service (HCNS): Provide, short term, non-clinical, 1:1 community outreach and holistic support to people in Hertfordshire recovering from mental health issues (even self-diagnosed), and additional complex needs, including psychological issues, drug and / or alcohol use, offending behaviour, anti-social behaviour, learning disability, physical disabilities, homelessness or tenancy issues, self-harm, debt or other financial issues, domestic abuse or any other co-existing needs. They also provide support directly to carers.
Visit their website or call: 01707 891120