If you won't be able to easily evacuate your building, please contact us by calling 01442 292300 or email housing.services@hightownha.org.uk so we can arrange a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP).
If a fire starts and you can't easily leave:
Get everyone into one room, ideally with a window, close the door and wait to be rescued.
Open the window and stay near it for fresh air, if it is safe to do so, and to alert people that you are there. If you have a phone, call 999. If not, shout for help so that someone else can phone for you.
Put bedding or towels along the bottom of the door to stop smoke and fumes from getting into the room.
If you think fire might spread up the outside of the building, then pull down any curtains to prevent them from catching light.
Flats and maisonettes are built to give you some protection from fire. Walls, floors and doors will hold back flames and smoke for a time.