• A young child puts his hands over his ears. A woman and man are arguing behind him.

    Domestic abuse

    Everyone has the right to feel safe in their own home. If you don't feel safe in your home due to someone you are, or previously were, in a relationship with, you may be experiencing domestic abuse.


Find Local Support


Home Start, Central Beds: Provide domestic support services to families with young children in Central Bedfordshire and Luton.

Visit their website or call: 01582 660661. 

Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership: Brings together key domestic abuse agencies across Bedfordshire. 

Visit their website.

Family Lives: Support and advice on bullying.

Visit their website or call: 0808 800 2222  

Emerald Centre: Free support and practical help to anyone in Bedfordshire and Luton who has experienced sexual violence and/or sexual abuse.

Visit their website 

Homesafe Scheme Luton: Assists people who are at risk of violence from someone who either still lives in the same property, or has since left but occasionally returns, to be able to remain in their own homes in safety and without fear of further harm.   

Visit their website or call: 01582 510370

Stepping Stones: Free services to women living in Luton who have suffered abuse, are vulnerable due to substance misuse, offending, or mental health; or who have involvement with Children’s Social Care. Outreach service for Central Bedfordshire.

Visit their website or call: 01582 457114 

Women’s Aid in Luton

Visit their website or call: 01582 391856  


A2 Dominion: Free 12-week online recovery support group for Domestic Abuse survivors living in Buckinghamshire.

Call: 0800 731 0055

Self-referrals email: DAS@a2dominion.co.uk 

The Dash Charity: Supporting families experience domestic abuse in South Bucks.

Visit their website or call: 01753 549865   

Buckinghamshire Domestic Abuse Board

Visit their website

Flag DV: Free legal advice for victims of domestic abuse in Buckinghamshire

Visit their website 

MK Act: Milton Keynes based charity helping families move on from fear and abuse.

Visit their website or call: 0344 375 4307 

Victims First: Free emotional & practical support to all victims & witnesses of crime across Bucks.

Visit their website or call: 0300 1234 148

Wycombe Women’s Aid:  A registered charity working in the Wycombe, South Bucks and Chiltern Districts of Buckinghamshire. They work with women and children who are experiencing or trying to escape domestic violence and who are dealing with its effects and consequences.

Visit their website or call: 01494 461367. 

Aylesbury Women’s Aid: Offer free of charge counselling for those who have experienced domestic abuse. Counselling is now available in Urdu, Sindhi, Punjabi and Hindi.  

Visit their website or call: 01296 437777 or 07835 346434


Beacon: Free & confidential support to victims of crime from Hertfordshire.

Visit their website or call: 0300 0115 555 

Cherished: Confidential, welcoming & safe support for female victims of domestic abuse in Hertfordshire.

Visit their website or call: 01442 767390 

Future Living Hertford: Service for those in recovery from addiction and domestic abuse.

Visit their website or call: 01992 537344 

Herts Rape Crisis: Free and confidential counselling for female residents of Hertfordshire who are over 18 and survivors of rape, sexual assault and/or childhood sexual abuse. 

Visit their website

Herts Domestic Abuse Helpline: Confidential, free, support & signposting service for anyone affected by domestic abuse.

Visit their website or call: 08088 088 088

Herts SARC: Offers free support and practical help to anyone in Hertfordshire who has experienced sexual violence and/or sexual abuse.

Visit their website or call: 0808 178 4448 

Herts Sunflower: A service supporting people who have been abused or people who know someone who has been abused.

Visit their website or call 08088 088 088. 

Juno Counselling Hertfordshire:  Previously Watford Rape crisis, covering Hertfordshire and North London. Supporting all victims of sexual abuse whenever it happened including historical sexual abuse. Via self-referrals or professional referrals.

Visit their website or contact: support@junocounselling.co.uk 

Safer Places: Domestic Abuse support services across Hertfordshire.

Visit their website or call: 03301 025811

SAHWR: Specialist Domestic Abuse services based in St Albans, also covering Hertsmere, Dacorum, Watford & Three Rivers. Also offers refuge stay for up to 4 months.

Visit their website

Watford Women’s Centre: Support, education, empowerment & development for women including therapies & domestic abuse support.

Visit their website or call: 01923 816229 

Welwyn Hatfield Women’s Refuge: Safe, temporary accommodation for women fleeing domestic abuse, with or without children.

Visit their website