• 04/05/2023

The Crossings rated 'excellent' by local authority

A care and supported housing scheme celebrating being rated 'excellent' by the local authority

Hightown Housing Association's care and supported service, The Crossings, based in Aylesbury, have received their second consecutive 'Excellent' rating in a recent 'Provider Assessment and Marketing Management Solution' (PAMMS) review by Buckinghamshire Council. 

An excellent rating is categorised as a service performing exceptionally well and in certain key areas is exceeding the regional standards. This demonstrates the commitment and dedication staff at Hightown have in providing safe, first-class care to service users.

An inspection of all areas of support delivery was undertaken to ensure that the schemes are providing a safe, caring, effective and responsive service that meets the needs of their service users.

Buckinghamshire Council assessed various aspects of the scheme, including quality of support plans and risk assessments, delivery of activities and support in the community, health and safety, accident and incident reporting, and medication procedures to name but a few.

The Crossings is a registered care home that provides person-centred care to four service users with profound learning disabilities.

Francis Zvoma, Head of Regulated services at Hightown Housing Association, said:

"This positive PAMMS report is the result of the passion and commitment from each staff member who works at the service to ensure that our service users live a fulfilled and enriched life. I would like to thank all the staff for their hard work and making the service users feel happy and content in their home."

Hightown provides high-quality care and supported housing to people with a wide range of needs across Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, and Berkshire. Hightown enables people to be more independent through support and housing that suits their needs and is accessible. 


The crossings